- 店铺类型:上海劳达企业管理咨询有限公司
- 店铺等级:暂无
- 客户评分:暂无
- 所在地区:中国 上海市 闸北区
- 搜根认证:已认证
- 联系电话:采购课程后可见
劳达laboroot 成立于2005年,由知名劳动法与员工关系专家魏浩征先生创办并领衔,是中国第一家专注为雇主方提供劳动法与员工关系咨询、培训、外包及法律服务的咨询公司、律师事务所。
劳达laboroot 旗下拥有包括劳达管理咨询公司、劳达律师事务所、劳达人力资源公司等三大业务实体,总部设于上海,并在北上广深等地设有十家直营分支机构,服务网络覆盖国内100多个城市。
劳达laboroot 一直致力于综合运用中国本土的劳动法规政策,解决企业人力资源管理过程中的员工关系问题,帮助企业降低人力成本,控制法律风险,实现卓越员工关系管理。
Established in 2005, Laboroot was founded and headed by David Wei, a
preeminent - labor law and employment relationship expert, and is famous as the
First Consulting Company and Law Firm to focus on the employer side and provide
consulting, training and legal services on labor law and employment relationship
in China.
Laboroot features three business entities: Laboroot Management Consulting
Firm, Laboroot Law Firm and Laboroot Human Resource Company. Headquartered in
Shanghai, Laboroot runs 10 branch offices around China, like Beijing, Shanghai,
Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and particularly its service network covers more than
100 cities.
Laboroot Group is dedicated to help companies to resolve the problems of
employment relationship in human resource management, reduce labor cost and
control legal risks in accordance with local labor laws and policies all the
time, and then achieve the optimal employment relationship management.
周一至周五 09:00-18:00